Our technical datasheets include a 4K audio and video track that can be viewed on PCs and smartphones.

What's in a data sheet?

Each card is personalised and unique, representing the identity of the BKBOTs and its landowner. We take great care in creating the identity cards, asking for a few personal elements to create the design.

Each card includes an audio track and video elements to give a unique feel. We can also send this card in image format for high-quality printing.

For greater authenticity and to ensure that the document is not falsified, it is imperative that we obtain a personalised photo of you with your future BKBOT. Without this, we cannot supply the data sheet.

The data sheet includes the following information: # of the BKBOT, type of wood, date of manufacture, whether the NFT certificate is activated or not, format of the digital file, Tribe of the BKBOT.